Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September WODs

Wednesday Sept 7

results: 275,275,305,305
I am trying to "clinch my butt" during the deads to keep from rounding my back. I was able to hold tight but on the first and last rep of the final set I felt myself give. Work in progress
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
3 Power Cleans 155
1 Round “Cindy”
5 Pullup
10 Pushups
15 Squats
results: 9 rounds complete with 3 seconds to spare. Only rested for a sec or two between cleans. I did end up having to do sets of 5 or less on the last couple rounds of push ups. THEY SUCK! The cleans were a little heavy probably because the heavy deads earlier. I will keep you posted on how tight my lower back gets.
I am only doing CrossFit Greer WODs this week. No extra credit work with the  exception to a couple GHDs here and there. I am trying to recover from the Garage Games competition from August. Yeah I know... I'm old.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September WODs

I know Im not very good at keeping this blog up to date. I'll try to be better for those who are interested.

Monday  Sept 5 ( Labor Day Team WOD)

Rope Climbs
Jumping Lunges
Double Unders
185# 2 man C&J

max reps on all movements... me and my partner alternated work done w/ busy work like burpees and tire flips. It was a good time.

Tuesday Sept 6

results: 135,155,175f,175,155
I felt really weak lately, I can't wait for my order of Progenex to come in :) later this week
Ring Pushups
GHD Situps
Med Ball Cleans 20/14
For Time:
result: 5:54
I had to stop two times to breathe, both times on the sets of 15 on Ring Pushups (rep 9) and Med Ball Cleans (rep 11). My quads were SMOKED!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

I Won't Back Down


Ok so I had Rick Smith (the official CFG deep tissue massage therapist) do some repair work on my shoulder for about an hour and a half. Rick always ask his patients to take two days off for recovery so Friday was a rest day.


50 Kettlebell swings 70
400 Meter Run
30 Box Jumps 24
30 Wallballs 20
10 Cleans and Jerk 135
400 Meter Run
30 Box Jumps 24
30 Wallballs 20
10 Thrusters 135
50 Double Unders
For Time:

result: 24:16 ( bathroom break during WOD :/ Oops)

Shoulder felt great after the WOD even with the heavy clean and jerks and thrusters. I did scale the Kettlebell swings to 53#.


Snatch Grip Halting Dead Lifts @ 170#

Power Snatch 2-2-2-2-2

1 Power Snatch @115
2 Squat Snatch @115
3 OHS @115

2 rounds completed. The shoulder really started to feel fatigued after the 2nd round. I called it quits on the snatch work.

50 Squat Jumps @95#
For Time:

result: 3:20

This jump squat WOD was a lot harder than I thought it would be... My quads really felt it on this one.


4 Rounds

10 Dead Lifts @245
15 GHDs
50 m run
-add 50m to run each round
For Time:

result: 8:57

I was able to do the first two sets of 245 DLs UNBROKEN!!! Check out my vid!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Down, but not Out

Ok, you have probably noticed that I have not blogged my WODs for a couple  weeks or so. I have been fighting what feels like a chaotic point in my teaching/ training regimen. By the time I finish teaching it has been late and I frankly don't feel like being at the gym any longer.
To make things worse I now have what seems to be a pretty descent shoulder injury. So I have been WODing with the class at CFG. This week I will be programing WODs that I can do with a bummed shoulder. So here is Sunday and Mondays WODs


5 Rounds:

10 GHDs
30 Double Unders
*attempted all rounds unbroken /no rest between


Double Unders/ Situps
for time:
 result 7:03 PR!!


3 rounds
800m run
50 Back Extensions
50 Abmat Situps
for time:
result 20:07 (thats 5 seconds off my PR

I will keep you guys posted on the injury. I do have a competition in August so wish me luck.

Friday, July 8, 2011

WODs Day 5 and 6

Day 5 -

2x Hang Squat Clean EMOM (each minute on the minute) for 12min

I started with 155# but after the first 2 sets felt like it was challenging enough. So guess what?? Of course I added weight...10more #s making it a total of 165#s. After 3 or 4 more rounds I still for some reason wasn't satisfied with the weight I chose. So I added 10 more #s finishing the WOD with 175# hang squat cleans. If I could do it again, I would stay at 165... I struggled keeping my elbows up and my knees from dipping in. All in all good WOD though :)


3x30 Unbroken Wall Balls (rest 3min)

This WOD was not my cup of tea. I only got the first round unbroken, and even then dropped the ball once on rep 27, picked it up and continued as if nothing happened. The second set drained all the gas out of the tank, by rep 13 I had to stop to take a breathe. I had to drop the ball again at reps 24 and 26. I actually felt a little better on the last set trying to focus on really exploding with my legs. I was able to make it to rep 21 before dropping the med ball, but stopped again to regain consciousness at rep 26 before finishing.

then last but not least

I thought I was gonna have to use the dedicated pukie bucket
50 Kettle bell swings for time @ 2 pood (70#)
result: 2:43

I was pretty happy considering at this point I WAS TRASHED!!!

Day 6 -

1 min row @ 90%, 1 min row @ 50% x 20

This WOD is deceivingly hard. I was able most of the time to keep the average 500m row around 1:50per  when rowing at 90%. I got as fast as 1:40 and as slow as 2:04 average. I did row the entire 30 min period with the occasional sip of water during the 50% intervals, although the display claimed 29:19 total time :O. Total distance rowed was 6210 meters.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

WODs Days 1-4

Day 1 -

Snatch Grip Dead Lifts 3x3 @165# (110% 1 rep Snatch)
-all 3 sets at 165 and I was able to keep form with no problems

Snatch High Pulls 5x2 @155# (105% 1 rep Snatch)
-all 5 sets at 155 and was able to pull the bar up to chest height
Just for fun attempted Snatch @155 for a NEW 1 rep PR!!! It was wobbly but I got it!!

Snatch (anytime I say snatch it means Full Squat) @115# (80% 1 rep max) 1-1-1-1-1
-rested 1 min between each rep
-the last two snatches were really solid and tight. Felt great!

Day 2 -

Push Press 5-5-5-5-5
You can see from my face below, the PP felt really heavy Monday for some reason. Maybe it was the 6 plus hour drive from Alabama. :)

GHD's AFAP (as fast as friggin possible) 15-15-15-15-15
- times were (in sec) 23-24-25-33
this was extremely taxing on my body. the first 30 weren't a problem, but I started to feel my lower back screaming at me... Needless to say I only did 4+ rounds - 67reps total.

800m Run for time:
result: 2:45
this was the fastest 800 I have run for time. felt great. I was really gassed on the last 200m or so...Oh, and there were fireworks being shot, sounded like a gun...might have made me run a tad faster! :)

Day 3-

CrossFit Greer WOD

Front Squat
205-215(NEW PR)-205
I felt really week from the GHDs yesterday but still managed a new 3 rep PR of 215#


10 minute AMRAP
10 Wall Balls 20/14
10 Burpees
200m Run

Originally posted as a 15 min AMRAP I had a class I had to teach and only had about 9 minutes to spare. I was 1 200m run short of 5 rounds, but I never had to stop for a breathe the whole WOD.

Day 4 -

Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
165-185(x4.5 had help on the 5th rep)-175-165-170
I was really weak today for some reason but managed to get the work done. I would liked to have done all 5 sets of 5 @185. Maybe next time...

50 Thrusters @75# for time:
- each time the bar was dropped had to do 5 burpees
result: 3:23 had to do 2 sets of 5 burpees!!! Stupid... should have held on to the bar :\

4 - 30sec Plank holds
-rest 1 minute between each
No problems with this one although my quads where on Fire!

Friday, July 1, 2011

And then there were 2

Congrats to Justin and Ashly who will be happily married tomorrow July 2nd 2011.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Its ALL about Date Night

Date Night in Hawaii!!
I have been married to my lovely bride Jennifer for 9 and a half years and love her more and more everyday. I really think a lot of this is due to frequently taking her out on dates. I look so forward to it. When it is just us and a nice juicy steak or even a hamburger. I couldn't be more content. Fellas, take your wife out at least once a week.